Commonly Asked Questions
We encourage you to review the various sections of our website to learn more detailed information about ISB and our unique position as a leader in international education and multicultural learning. Below, you will find answers to specific questions regarding our bilingual program and school life.
- My child does not speak French / My child only speaks French. Should we still apply?
- Do you have families at ISB who speak neither French nor English at home?
- How do you integrate new students who do not speak French or do not speak English at home?
- How long will it take for my child to become fully fluent in their new language?
- What does the ISB population look like?
- Do French citizens have priority in the application process?
- What credentials do ISB students receive when they graduate?
- Do students have to wear a uniform?
- Does ISB offer a lunch program?
- What are ISB’s school hours?
- Does ISB have a bus transportation program?
- Does ISB have housing for international students?
- Does ISB support Student Visas?