Upper School
Two Prestigious Diploma Programs
A World of Opportunities
Upper School is a common entry point for students new to ISB. The first two years of Upper School (Grades 9 and 10) are an exciting and rewarding time of exploration for students.
During these years, students position themselves to earn one of two of our international diplomas that they will select for Grades 11 and 12: the International Baccalaureate (taught in English) or the French Baccalaureate.
Students enrolled in both academic tracks develop a deep sense of community through a unified student life experience and draw on support from our College Counseling team.
Explore Our Program
International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate Program at ISB includes the Middle Years Program* (MYP) in Grades 9 and 10 and the Diploma Program (or DP) in Grades 11 and 12.
College Counseling
ISB's College Counseling Office is staffed with the expertise to support students and families throughout all parts of the college counseling process - from devising testing strategies and creating a college list to providing guidance on essay writing.
French Baccalaureate
Le LIB est homologué par le Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et les élèves passent le diplôme national du brevet et le baccalauréat français au sein même de notre établissement.
En Savoir Plus
Global Learning Program
ISB's Global Learning Program offers students the chance to travel extensively through three programs: Curriculum and Culture Trips, Academic Exchanges, and AEFE Partnerships. By the time a student is in Upper School, traveling the globe is only a flight away.
*ISB is an authorized IB World School for the IB Diploma Program and a Candidate School for the IB MYP, pursuing authorization for this program. Candidate status does not guarantee authorization.
Signature Experiences
ISB's location just minutes from Cambridge and Boston allows our academic program to extend far beyond our classrooms. Students have numerous opportunities to collaborate with renowned colleges and universities, research institutions, and community professionals, highlighted by the following signature experiences:
- A longstanding relationship with MIT’s BioBuilder Program. Through this project, students integrate biology and engineering topics through practical, hands-on lessons. In the most recent school year, students designed bioengineered algae that will be able to break down PET plastic in the ocean, addressing the problem of plastic contamination in the oceans.
- Our flagship "Work Week" Program in Grade 10. In alignment with our Vision for Learning, students collaborate and connect with broader communities. Here, students spend dedicated time exploring and observing professions they may wish to pursue post-Graduation. The experience culminates with a student presentation to peers.
- The Entrepreneurship Club's "Shark Tank." The Entrepreneurship Club fosters a spirit of innovation and dedication, inspiring students to develop innovative companies with a focus on social impact and community service. Teams of students present their final concepts to a jury, comprised of representatives from MIT, Harvard, Stanford, French Tech, the French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACCNE), and the Rotary Club of Cambridge.