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The Global Classroom Blog

Welcome to The Global Classroom! This blog is curated by the International School of Boston's faculty and staff, all of whom are experts in bilingualism, cultural fluency, international education, and more. We encourage you to explore our content and use the RSS and bell icons below to subscribe for regular updates. 

As a world-class, accredited private school in Cambridge, Mass., serving 575 students from age 2 through Grade 12, ISB places the development of the bilingual brain at the heart of our mission. ISB students graduate with an American high school diploma and choose between two internationally renowned diplomas, the French or the International Baccalaureate, allowing them to thrive at leading universities in the United States, France, and worldwide.

In today's increasingly globalized world, intercultural competencies have become essential for students. These competencies enable individuals to interact effectively and respectfully with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Fostering intercultural competencies in schools is crucial for creating inclusive environments where all students feel valued and understood. 

Dr. Mehdi Lazar, Assistant Head of School

Recent Posts

Bilingualism, Biliteracy, and Biculturalism: 3 Critical Skills of the World Citizen
  • Bilingualism
  • Global Citizenship
Pascal Lepesqueux, Chair of the ISB Outreach and Continuing Education Department

What does it take to thrive in our interconnected world despite its cultural differences? How can education provide an answer to such a challenge? Learning another language to understand and communicate with others is one of the most common answers to these questions. But what does it mean to be “bilingual,” and what skills besides speaking a language must be acquired to achieve our goal of training world citizens? Understanding and connecting with more distant and multifaceted others are increasingly essential in our modern world, and this post will address what it implies to achieve that goal. 

Read More about Bilingualism, Biliteracy, and Biculturalism: 3 Critical Skills of the World Citizen
Understanding Intercultural Competences and Their Importance in Schools
  • Bilingualism
  • Global Citizenship
  • Global Education
  • Intercultural Competencies
  • Lower School
  • Maternelle
  • Middle School
  • Upper School
Dr. Mehdi Lazar, Assistant Head of School for Academic Affairs & Strategic Initiatives

In today's increasingly globalized world, intercultural competencies have become essential for students. These competencies enable individuals to interact effectively and respectfully with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Fostering intercultural competencies in schools is crucial for creating inclusive environments where all students feel valued and understood. This blog post will explore intercultural competencies, why they matter in educational settings, and how they are taught at the International School of Boston.

Read More about Understanding Intercultural Competences and Their Importance in Schools
The 5 Key Components of a Solid Inclusive Learning Program
  • Academic Program
  • Inclusive Education
  • Lower School
  • Maternelle
  • Middle School
  • Upper School
Camille Trou, Learning Support Specialist

Inclusive learning is an educational approach where all students receive a high-quality education regardless of their abilities, needs, or cultural backgrounds. It focuses on providing equitable support to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Read More about The 5 Key Components of a Solid Inclusive Learning Program