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Strategic Plan

An actionable Strategic Plan establishes measurable goals and objectives that will allow ISB to determine its future institutional investments and activities.

In October 2024, the International School of Boston announced its next five-year Strategic Plan. Our vision to be New England’s leading international school for academic excellence and global citizenship reaffirms our commitment to providing an exemplary academic program and co-curricular opportunities for students from Toute Petite Section to Grade 12. Furthermore, it sets ambitious goals that challenge us to ensure our exceptional multilingual, international education remains accessible, innovative, and ready for the future. 

View Strategic Plan


During the 2023-2024 school year, ISB led a community-wide effort to develop a new Strategic Plan. To assist with this work, the School partnered with Ian Symmonds & Associates, an industry leader in private school strategic planning with proven experience in the international school market. The new Strategic Plan was formally approved by the Board of Trustees in September 2024. 

Our community’s input is critical to informing the course we take to prioritize our goals, especially as we look to the next five years. Through meetings, surveys, Steering Committee seats, and more, our community played an integral role in shaping ISB's future.

Steering Committee

Our Steering Committee for this process included a cross-section of students, parents, faculty, staff, and Board members to ensure we drew upon and represented the experiences and knowledge of every member of the ISB community in our work. 
  • Gaspard Belhadj, Student
  • Todd Billet, Parent
  • Fawzi Benzaghou, Board of Trustees, Parent
  • Helen Colquhoun, Parent
  • Elizabeth de Montrichard, Board of Trustees, Parent 
  • Charlotte Eggimann, Student
  • Ginger Garcia, Secondary School Faculty
  • Andrea Gosselin, Director of Strategic Engagement
  • Mehdi Lazar, Assistant Head of School, Parent
  • Pierre Ndiaye, Parent
  • Philippe Suhas, Board of Trustees, Past Parent 
  • Richard Ulffers, Head of School, Parent
  • Isabelle Praud, Chief Financial & Operating Officer, Past Parent